Visual Reading Online Header
Terms of Service

Our Legal Statement

As we supply products and services to customers and the general public we must have a legal notice and various policies displayed within our website.

This legal statement is designed to clearly lay out how we operate and what you can expect from us as a company and what we expect from you as a website visitor, student, coach or customer.

As Visual Reading Online is based in London in the U.K. - the laws of England and Wales shall apply to this website, your use of this website and to the supply and use of any products and/or services we may provide.

By using this website and/or any of our products and/or services, you agree to submit to and be bound by the laws of England and Wales. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use our website and/or any of our products and/or services.

You can find our full legal statement below, and please also read our Privacy Policy, our Cookie Policy and our Terms of Service as these four documents detail how we treat your personal data and what you can expect from us as an organisation, and in turn what we expect from you as a student, customer or user of our website and/or products and/or services.

If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, cookie policy, terms of service or our legal statement, what data we collect or how this data may be used, please contact our data controller, Dr Ross Cooper who will be happy to help you.

Legal Statement

Visual Reading Online and this website ( is owned and operated by Outsider Software Limited under the laws and jurisdiction of England and Wales.

By using this website and/or any of Visual Reading Online's products and/or services, you agree to be bound by the laws of England and Wales and this Legal Statement and our Terms of Service, our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy.

If you do not fully agree with the terms, or statements within these documents, please do not use our website or any of our products and/or services.


While we have made every effort to ensure that any information, software and/or services we may make available via this website are correct and functional, we make no warranties about their suitability for any particular purpose or their continued availability.

We make no warranties about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, availability or timeliness of any information, software and/or service that Visual Reading Online or Outsider Software may offer or provide through this website.

Information on this website is provided for informational and educational purposes only. We can not, we do not, and we will not provide any specific medical diagnosis, treatment or prescription relating to any medical condition within this website or during any training, educational or consultation session we may enter into.

Please always consult with your licensed and regulated physician/GP and/or another qualified and regulated healthcare provider/professional regarding any medical or psychological condition you may have, or suspect that you may have.

We make no warranties, expressed or implied or representations regarding the effectiveness or appropriateness of any products, services, recommendations, guidance, and other information that may be provided within this website, through our software or via our coaching sessions.

The use of this website and our related products and/or services is done so at entirely your own risk. We urge all users of this website and/or our products and/or services to exercise caution and to use their own judgement and common sense when using this website or acting upon any information it may contain.

Always consult with a regulated and qualified professional who is aware of your specific personal circumstances and history before acting upon any information contained within, or provided through this website and/or our products and/or services and which may have a material impact on an individual's health and well being.

Limitation of Liability (Outsider Software Limited) provides coaching, informational and software related services to assist the general public in improving their reading speed and comprehension. Under no circumstances shall or Outsider Software be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages that may result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials or information provided within this website, even if Visual Reading Online or Outsider Software has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

It is our policy to always act in 'good faith' in all our business dealings and in the way we operate and treat out clients and customers. We will endeavour to keep this website and our products and services up to date but we make no warranties in relation to this.

We provide coaching and information services via online video calls and we also supply physical and software saccade overlays. The information and any physical or software product we supply must always be used in accordance with its intended purpose and in accordance with our Terms & Conditions.

Visual Reading Online may supply or arrange the supply of third-party, qualified, trained and vetted coaches to deliver our training program to our students and/or customers. All coaches that we may supply are independantly qualified and experienced professionals in the area of teaching reading, and they will have also completed our own 'Coaching the coaches' course and will have been personally vetted by us, however as Coaches are human beings, we cannot make any absolute guarantees or accept any liability for their conduct other than which we are required to do so by law.

If you have even the slightest concern about the conduct or quality of the coach who is conduction your coaching, please contact us and we will provide you with a new coach or provide you with a full refund should you wish. We will also separately investigate your report and if the issue with your coach is found to be vaild, this may well result in Visual Reading Online withdrawing our approval for the specific coach in question and no longer use them within our service.

In the extreamly unlikely even that you should feel that any representative from Visual Reading Online is engaging in unlawful or criminal activities, please contact us and/or directly report your concerns to the Police.

We offer a full refund policy and we also enable all our clients and customers to provide feedback on any aspect of our service. If we receive notification of a complaint, or a concern we will work with those involved to either resolve the issue and move forward, or refund the client/customer and cease our relationship in an amicable and professional manner. As such the full extent of our liability shall be the purchase price of any product and/or service minus any reasonable costs (if appropriate).

Third Parties

Any information provided within our coaching or informational sessions or via our products and/or services is done so for educational purposes only, and any such information may be provided by a third-party qualified coach who has successfully completed our 'Coaching the coaches' course. However they may not be directly employed by Visual Reading Online or Outsider Software and as such, any comments or opinions they may express may not be the opinions and values of Visual Reading Online and we cannot accept liability for any issues that may arise other than which we are required to do so by law.

We will always investigate any issues reported to us by our clients or customers regarding any of our coaches, our course content or any of our products and/or services and we will take action if any defect or wrong-doing is found.

Visual Reading Online operates within the law of England and Wales and we will co-operate with any lawful request from an official body or that is made to us by a law enforcement agency such as the Police. This may include but may not be limited to the sharing of client/customer/coach related information.

Minors, Supervision and Data

Visual Reading Online offers services which can involve the coaching of students under the age of 18 and/or other 'vunerable' groups.

The coaching of minors and/or 'vunerable' persons will usually take place via scheduled online video-calls but in rare cases, they may take place via scheduled in-person coaching depending on what a parent or guaridan has requested and arranged with us.

Parental or guardian concent is always required for such coaching sessions to take place and we also require that a parent or guardian is present or can at least observe/listen in on what is happening during any such coaching sesssions.

We reserve the right for our coaches to refuse to engage in a coaching sesssion that involve a minor or 'vunerable' person until such time as a parent or guardian is present and/or they can actively monitor what is happening within the coaching session. This is as much for the protection of our coaches as it is for the protection any minor or 'vunerable' person.

We strongly encourage parents or guardians to take an active role in the Visual Reading program along with their child/ward - and to encourage the student to attend and engage with our scheduled coaching sessions and any daily practice that may be required.

While coaching is always aimed at the individual being coached, a parent or guardian may interject or ask questions at any time during a coaching sesssion provided this does not cause significant distruptions or time delays to our scheduled coaching sessions.

Visual Reading Online does not store or process the personal details of minors or any other 'vunerable' persons on our systems and we ask that a parent or guardians personal details be used to register for our coaching sessions or any of our other products and or services which will be used by or delivered to a minor or 'vunerable' person.

The 'minor' or 'vunrable' persons first name and their approximate age (in years not DOB) and any relevant information which may impact our coaching sessisons and that our coaches should therefor be aweare of, should be entered into the 'notes' section of your website user account profile (which should be managed by a parent or guardian) and three months after the completion of the subjects coourse, these notes will be automatically deleted by our systems.

The Protection of Children and Vunerable People

Visual Reading Online will always act upon any reports of 'wrong doing' by representatives of our organisation towards children or 'vunerable' people.

We reserve the right to report any such wrong doing to the Police or other law enforcement or 'protection' agency, and we also reserve the right to report any finding of such activites that an employee or third-party coach working on behalf of Visual Reading Online may discover or encounter during the delivery of our coaching and/or services to any student or customer.

Visual Reading Online, Outsider Software and Fixedpips Limited have a 'zero tolerance' policy on the abuse, neglect or mistreatment of children, vunerable people and people in general.

It is our policy to always fully co-operate with any legitimate law enforcement agency and/or investigation regarding any issues or reports of wrong doing surrounding the use of our products and/or services, our staff, our third-party coaches or any customer, student or user of any of our products and/or services.

Fixedpips Limited

Fixedpips Limited is a third-party commercial company which has worked with Visual Reading Online on a 'charitable basis' to help us design, develop and implement our website, software and our other digital services.

Fixedpips Limited does not own, control or direct Visual Reading Online in any way and they are not responsible for, nor liable for anything that my arise from your use of, this website and/or your use of any of Visual Reading Onlines products and/or services.

Conversely, Visual Reading Online is not responsible for nor is it liable for anything that Fixedpips Limited may or may not do, and Visual Reading Online (and/or Outside Software Limited) does not own, direct or control any aspect of Fixedpips Limiteds business.

Modern Day Slavery

Visual Reading Online and its parent company 'Outsider Software Ltd' does not use unfair or illegal practices within any of its business dealings, we also do not engage with any third-party companies or suppliers who use unfair or illegal practices within their business.

It is our policy to only ever engage and work with organisations and individuals who comply with the laws of England and Wales and who conduct themselves in a professional and right and proper manner at all times. If you have any issues surrounding any aspect of this policy, please contact us.

Changes to This Policy

We reserve the right to update or modify this statement at any time. Please check this page periodically for any changes or updates.