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Terms of Service

Our Terms of Service

As we supply services and products to clients, customers and the general public, we must have a Terms of Service policy.

Our terms of service policy clearly lays out what you can expect from us as a company and service provider and what we expect from you as a client or customer.

It is our policy to behave professionally and with integrity at all times and in everything we do.

We are committed to providing an excellent level of service to all our clients and customers regardless of their nationality, gender, age, sexuality, disability, status or any other factor and we will treat all our clients and customers with respect and dignity.

We are qualified professionals in the area of teaching reading and the coaching and products and services we provide are designed to fulfil this purpose.

In addition to our terms of service listed below, you can also find our Privacy Policy and our Legal Statement within this website and like all business and commercial websites, we are required to include these policies and statements by law so that we clearly define what our clients and customers can expect from us and what we expect from you as a client, or customer.

If you have any questions regarding these terms of service, our privacy policy or our legal statement, please contact our data controller, Dr Ross Cooper who will be happy to help you.

Terms Of Service

Visual Reading Online (and is owned and operated by Outsider Software Limited which is a UK registered company, and as such the laws of England & Wales apply to the use of our products and services and to this website.

Please read these Terms of Service, our Privacy Policy and our Legal Statement carefully before using or any of our products and/or services.

Using Our Website And Services

By accessing or any of our products and services, you agree to use this website and/or our products and services only for the purposes for which they were provided, or made available and in accordance with these Terms of Service, our Privacy Policy and our Legal Statement.

Our coaches and staff will always treat our clients and customers with respect and dignity. We expect that our clients and customers will behave in a similar manner. We reserve the right to refuse service to any client or customer that does not behave in a respectful manner and this may result in no refund being given in extreme circumstances.

We take the feedback and/or any complaint made by our clients or customers very seriously. We urge all our clients and customers to contact us if they have any feedback or complaint about our products or services. We will always do our best to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.

Coaching Sessions

You can expect our coaches to treat you with respect and dignity during your online coaching sessions. We also expect that you will treat our coaches with respect and dignity too. Our coaches reserve the right to end any coaching session where they feel these standards are not being met and we also encourage our clients and customers to do the same if they feel uncomfortable with their coach or with what is being discussed within the session. We further request that you contact Dr Cooper using the contact form within this website to inform him of the situation, and he will speak to the coach in question, and either resolve the issue or arrange for a new coach to take over your coaching sessions or in a worse-case scenario, offer you a full refund.

Persons Under The Age Of 18

Visual Reading is very effective for children and those under the age of 18. However those under the age of 18 must have the consent of a parent or guardian to take part in our online video coaching sessions. We also welcome parents or guardians 'sitting in' on our online coaching sessions and encouraging their child to engage with our training process. We will also share progress reports and 'copy in' a parent, guardian or teacher on any communication (e.g. email) between us and a client or customer who is under the age of 18 provided we have everyone's permission to do so.

Complaints Procedure

In the unlikely event of any problems, disputes or complaints arising from the use of our products or service or from our coaching sessions, please contact Dr Ross Cooper using the contact form within this website. All messages are received by Dr Cooper personally and your message will be treated confidentially.

We take any complaint seriously and we also welcome any and all feedback, good or bad as it allows us to understand what we are doing well and what we may need to improve. Should you need to make a complaint please do so and provide as much information as possible and Dr Cooper will respond to you personally and with a view to resolving the issue to your satisfactio, or offering you a full refund.

Money Back Guarantee

We are confident that we have an excellent 'product' and that our coaches provide a professional service. However if for any reason you are not satisfied with the product or service you have received from us, you may request a full refund which will be granted in most cases. However all we ask is that you provide us the opportunity to resolve any issues and should this still not meet with your satisfaction, then you can provide us with feedback so that we can use this to improve our products and services. Excellent client and customer service is what we strive for and we expect this from all our coaches.

Intellectual Property Rights

The content on this website, our courses and our physical and software products including any text, graphics, logos, software, images and compilation, belong to Outsider Software and are protected by copyright laws. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display or reproduce any content without prior permission unless done so for review or educational purposes and in such circumstances full attribution and a link to the source material is required.

Unforeseen Circumstances

in the unlikely event that any unforeseen circumstances or technology or communications issues arise which prevent us from providing our coaching and/or our products or services to you, we will contact you as soon as possible to inform you of the situation and to offer to reschedule your coaching session and/or to provide you with an alternative product and/or service or in extreme cases, a full refund should this be appropriate.


We reserve the right to terminate your access to the website if we determine you have violated these Terms of Service or any other policies. You have the right to terminate any agreement with us at any time by ceasing your use of this website and/or our products or services.

Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales. You consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for any dispute arising out of your use of this website or our products and services, and in extreme (and unlikely) cases, an arbitration process that is designed to prevent the need for expensive legal action.


We reserve the right to update these Terms of Service without notice. Please review these Terms & Conditions periodically for any changes.