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Useful Links

Below is a list of useful links to external websites which we feel may be of interest

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NeuroKnowHow 'provides understanding, empathy and achievement through empowerment for education and the workplace'.

DYSPLA 'is an award winning arts organisation producing and developing the work of dyslexic + neurodivergent storymakers'.

The British Dyslexia Association 'is the voice for the 10% of the population that are dyslexic'.

AchieveAbility 'is a user led charity committed to working with adults who are neurodivergent and dyslexic'.

Praxix-CPD 'is the home of SpLD Assessor CPD'.

Adult Dyslexia Organisation 'is run by dyslexics for dyslexics and all those concerned with supporting Adult dyslexics'.

The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity 'is an integrated health and education service'.

Dyspraxia Foundation 'supports individuals and families affected by dyspraxia/DCD'.

Neuroqueer is a website hosting the writings of Nick Walker.

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