Visual Reading Online Header
Dr. Ross Cooper writing at his computer

Dr Cooper here, and I'm excited to begin to share insights and knowledge with you on topics surrounding Visual Reading.

This area of the website is split into two sections, Articles and Blog posts. Articles are more long form writings by myself and guests whereas Blog Posts tend to be my more immediate thoughts and are much shorter in length.

You will find a contact link at the bottom of each Article or Blog page if you would like to get in touch or are interested in submitting an article or blog post.


You will find that the Articles listed within this section of the sight tend to be more indepth and technical in nature, however I do try to keep them as accessible and enjoyable to read as possible.

Please use the button above to view an index of Articles which are listed in reverse chronological order. You can simply click on any of the Articles to read them.

Blog Posts

It is my hope that this Blog will serve as a dynamic platform for sharing both my expertise and the expertise of others, and addressing industry trends, and offering solutions or food for thought on pertinent issues.

Please use the button above to view an index of Blog Posts which are listed in reverse chronological order. You can simply click on any of the posts to read them.