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We expect to treble your reading speed while improving your comprehension and recall in just 5 weeks.

There is now no need to struggle with reading.

The Visual Reading program is based on training the brain to process information visually It was originally developed for dyslexic adults who struggled with reading. But we have found it works just as well with children and all adults including those who are dyspraxic, autistic, or have ADHD.

Our simple and easy to learn technique is particularly useful for people who have to read a lot of text, such as students and academics, and for people who have to read quickly, such as lawyers and journalists.

Visual Reading changes people lives. Imagine what being able to read and absorb text based information three times faster could do for you or your child?

Dr. Ross Cooper

Dr Ross Cooper

Founder of Visual Reading

Click the image above to learn more about Dr. Cooper and his background.


We can help you or your child unlock the magic of reading...

Visual Reading is a comprehensive program that has improved the reading speed and information retention of everyone who has taken part. It is particularly effective for anyone who struggles with reading.

Since the launch in 2021, everyone who has completed Visual Reading is reading faster than the average postgraduate with improved comprehension and recall., helping them reap vast benefits in their personal, educational and professional lives.

Would you like more information?

We have detailed information on the proven results of Visual Reading within this website but if you are looking for core take-aways about the Visual Reading program please keep scrolling...

If however, you are keen to to learn more detailed information, about Visual Reading and its effectiveness we have a selection of very well written and informative articles which you can read by clicking here.

And you can learn more about Dr Cooper, the founder of Visual Reading by clicking here.

Saccades on a book

How does Visual Reading actually work?

This is a learning by doing course. We coach students to absorb the meaning of text in a new way. It's a very simple set of techniques, but it takes practice and guidance to ensure that you are doing it correctly for maximum benefit. Within an average of 5 weeks we expect you to treble your reading speed with as little as 10 minutes practice per day...

Our technique starts off using Structured Saccade Overlays and the movement of your finger to train your eyes to move across a page or screen of text in a more efficient way, before gradually widening the field of your visual attention to take in multiple words at once.

It takes practice and guidance, but Visual Reading is just as effective with Adults and Children and in those with or without any sort of diagnosed reading issue, such as Dyslexia.

Dr Cooper has many years of educational, research and practical experience and during this time he has gained a significant insight into how people learn, and in some cases, how the current education system 'fails' particular individuals or is locked into a very rigid way of doing things...

While the current education system may work for many people, there are many more who can fall by the way-side or who are not enabled to reach their full potential - and this is something that the Visual Reading program aims to tackle.

Woman standing in front of the 'London Eye'

Who can become a Visual Reading student and where is our service based?

Visual Reading is not intended to teach beginner readers, but to help readers to become exceptionally fast with excellent comprehension/recall. Anyone with a reasonably fast internet connection and a computer or laptop can take part in our courses as we have chosen to coach the majority of readers online via 'Zoom' type sessions.

We have chosen to coach our one-on-one coaching sessions online and via video calls, as this allows us to reach more people, cut down on traveling time and costs, and our impact on the environment. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for people to use our service and for us to reach as many people as possible who will benefit from our program.

We are also flexible in our approach, so if you or your child have a need for in-person coaching, please Contact Us and we will do our very best to help you.

Visual Reading has benefited students in higher education, adults in the workplace and children within junior and high schools, so whoever and wherever you are, Visual Reading can really help you or your child.

We can also work with Employers, Educational organisations and Charities. Visual Reading is also an approved product for the UK Government's Disability Students Allowance (DSA) program to help dyslexic and other neurodivergent students with their education.

Photo by Martin Sanchez

Are our courses expensive?

We have tried to keep the cost of our full courses as low as possible and in some cases you or your child may be eligible to receive our course funded by an Educational Authority, an employer, or a charity. You can view the private cost of our courses and products here.

It is also possible to purchase distance learning and our physical and software overlays independently of our full courses. However, we do strongly recommend having some level of one-on-one coaching, as there are key aspects of our technique which must be well understood, applied and practised to realise the full benefits of Visual Reading.

Do we offer discounts?

Yes, we do offer discounts if you or your child fall into one of the categories listed below:

  • Ex-offenders
  • Those brought up in care.
  • The severely disadvantaged
  • Neurodivergent Keyworker Families
  • Our goal is to help people who really need our help and not just those who can afford to purchase our full priced courses, so if you have a genuine need please Contact Us and we will do what we can to help.

    If you are paying full price for our courses or products, then please take pride in the fact that you are really helping to support our work with those who may be less fortunate, and for that, we sincerely thank you!

    Woman standing in front of the 'London Eye'

    So whats the problem with the education system?

    The current education system works well for many people, but there are a significant minority of people who are not able to reach their full potential, and this is something that Dr Cooper has been working to understand and address for many years.

    People are individuals, we can learn in a number of different ways, at different speeds, and in some cases we may need to be taught in a slightly different way to the majority of people.

    Many people have no issues with absorbing little chunks of information which they then can formulate into a bigger understanding, whereas many more people much prefer to start with the big picture, and then with small amounts of additional information they can really grasp a concept and understand things much more quickly.

    The current educational system seems to apply a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching and learning, and this tends to take the form of providing information to students in small chunks and then expecting the student to create the big picture for themselves, or in many cases, simply tests whether learners have memorised the isolated strings of information.

    This may ‘work’ for many, but this disables a significant minority of students who can be left feeling, or being treated as if, they have some sort of deficit or disability... This is far from the case, it is more that the teaching method being applied just does not suit that students cognitive style...

    Woman behind bars

    What can happen to those with a different cognitive or reading style if this is not addressed?

    Dr Cooper himself, is dyslexic. Did you notice, we did not say that "Dr. Cooper Suffers from Dyslexia"? This is because Dr Cooper does not regard himself as 'suffering' with a 'condition' or 'disability' - he has come to realise that he just has a different way of learning and processing information.

    While Dyslexia has posed some challenges in Dr Coopers life, it has also brought many benefits in terms of how his mind works and his ability to think 'out of the box' or 'differently' about subjects and problems. He has become a 'PhD' Doctor, he has married and has children and grandchildren, he is also an accomplished musician and academic, so thinking in the way that he does, clearly has not impacted his ability to be successful in life and he strongly feels that Dyslexia or 'Dyslexic thinking' has actually brought many more benefits than problems into his life.

    Sadly, for many who either aren't identified as having a different way of learning of as having Dyslexia early, the impact of this can be life long and devastating...

    A large percentage of the prison population globally have educational or reading needs that were not addressed by the current educational system and in many cases, they were either labelled as 'not very bright' or at the very least, they were made to feel they were 'not very bright' and this can have a very damaging effect on a person's self-esteem and subsequently what they then go on to achieve, or not achieve in life...

    Woman standing in front of the 'London Eye'

    But I don't have Dyslexia...?

    Visual Reading improves the reading speed and information retention of everyone who takes part in our program. Visual Reading has proven to be effective for those with or without dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD or autism or any other 'learning' issues.

    So, if you or your child are in school, higher education, in the workplace or just want to dramatically improve your reading speed and comprehension, then Visual Reading can and will help you with a full money back guarantee should you not be happy with the outcome...

    We have recorded massive improvements in our students’ ability to read and absorb information and with continued practice and diligence our students do go on to do far better in their academic studies and their professional and personal lives as a result. Our students tell us it is life changing.

    We do need to make it clear that this is a learning by doing course. Practising the techniques is essential, however, every student we have ever had has greatly improved their reading and comprehension skills - and as a result, have gone on to improve their academic or professional achievements, which has in turn boosted their self-esteem and their self-confidence.

    Every student we have ever had has greatly improved their reading and comprehension skills - and as a result, they have gone on to improve their academic or professional achievements, which has in turn boosted their self-esteem and their self-confidence.

    Sign Post

    Where do I go from here?

    We hope after reading the above you can appreciate the benefits of the Visual Reading program and are interested in getting started.

    You can either go straight to our Get Started page where you can view and purchase our courses and products and see the process we follow to send you our software and physical Saccade overlays and to arrange your one-on-one coaching sessions.

    Or if you would like more detailed information about the Visual Reading program and Dr. Cooper, then please visit our Learn More page where you can read in depth articles and information on our results in children and adults and with those with and without Dyslexia or rated diagnoses.

    You can also get support for any aspect of our program or service or contact us with any questions or issues with Visual Reading by visiting our Support page.

    If you have been refered to Visual Reading via the DSA process, you will receive an email from us as soon as we have received your details and you will should Log In to our website and check your delivery address for our physical overlays, download our overlay software, suggest or change your coaching schedule as soon as you are able.

    Equally, if you have made a private purchase from us, you should have received your log in link shortly after your email payment receipt from Stripe, so please Log In as soon as you are able.

    Whichever direction you now take, we hope you have now learned something about issues that can impact both children and adults in terms of reading and education - and that you will be happy to suggest our website or service to others who it may genuinely help.