Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to common questions about Visual Reading Online
What is Visual Reading?
'Visual Reading Online' is the name of our website and our service and 'Visual Reading' is the name of the program we developed over many years to assist people with improving their reading and comprehension skills.
In essence, Visual Reading is the ability to absorb the meaning of multiple words at once, which in turn dramatically improves an individual's reading speed.
This is achieved through learning a technique we have pioneered, and which starts off by a student learning to use our Structured Saccade Overlays on top of printed (or digital) media.
Structured Saccade Overlays contain a number of semi transparent vertical lines and these help a reader to gain better control and accuracy of their eye movements (saccades) when reading and gradually widening the field of visual attention.
Comprehension is improved further by the development of good previewing and reviewing strategies, which we also teach as part of our Visual Reading program.
Who created Visual Reading and why?
Dr. Ross Cooper developed the Visual Reading program in 2021.
Dr. Cooper has many years of formal academic and practical experience in the areas of learning, teaching and reading and is formally qualified as a Doctor in these areas.
The Visual Reading program is a science and research based program which has proven results.
Dr. Cooper himself is a dyslexic, and he has worked within teaching and learning related areas in an academic and professional capacity for many years.
Dr. Cooper developed the Visual Reading program as he saw a way he could help a significant group of people improve their reading and comprehension skills and in a way which was not previously possible or encouraged within mainstream education.
Use this link to Learn more about Dr. Coopers professional background.
How do I signup for a Visual Reading Online website account or course?
We don't have a traditional website account signup process!
Instead, you can gain access to our website and be enrolled on our courses or use our other products and service in one of two ways:
1: Via the DSA process.
If you are a student in the U.K who has been accepted on to the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) program, then a Visual Reading Online courses can be funded for you via the DSA if an 'accessor of need' recommends our course for you. If this happens we will receive your details via the DSA, and we will then send you an email with a link that you can use to create your Visual Reading Online website account, and to confirm that we have the correct postal address and contact details for you, and this is so that we can send you our Structured Saccade Overlays which are used in our courses, and so that we can arrange with you a schedule for your course.
2: Make a private course or service purchase via our website using Stripe.
When you click the 'buy now' button on one of our course or other products or services on our Get Started page, you will be shown a Stripe payment screen that you can use to complete your purchase. Stripe is a very large and trusted third-party payment processor that we use to process payments for all our courses and other products and services via this website.
Stripe will then send our website a notification of your purchase from us with your email address attached to it. Our website will then automatically send you a welcome email with a link that you can use to create your Visual Reading Online website account, and once ths is done, you can log into this website and confirm that we have the correct postal address and contact details for you - which we will then use to send you our physical Structured Saccade Overlays for use in your course, and we will also schedule your course and/or your consultation session with us via your website account.
We feel this is the most efficient way for us to do things, as you can do everything you may need to with your website account and it saves a lot of emails and telephone calls between us. If you should run into any issues with this process, e.g. you have not received an email after making a purchase via Stripe, or have any other issues, please contact us and we will get things sorted for you!
Please note:
We can not assist you with gaining access to the DSA program, or apply for funding for one of our courses via the DSA on your behalf. You must already be enrolled within the DSA program and have Visual Reading recommended for you by an independent accessor of need.
What is the DSA program?
The Disability Students Allowance (DSA) is a government funded program that assists students with 'disabilities' in the U.K. with educational support. As Dyslexia is classed by the U.K. government as a 'disability' - and one which commonly impacts a students ability to succeed in education, approved programs and therapies that can help students with dyslexia can be funded via the DSA program.
The Visual Reading program has been approved for use by the U.K. government/DSA for students with dyslexia so if you are a student who is already enrolled within the DSA program then you may be able to have a Visual Reading course funded for you via the DSA.
Unfortunately, we can not refer students to the DSA or assist students with being accepted into the DSA program, as this is something that students need to do via their School, College or University.
Once a dyslexic student is accepted into the DSA program, they will need to apply for funding via the DSA and an independent accessor of need will evaluate their application to see if they are eligible for funding and may well approve funding for a Visual Reading course however this process is currently a bit of a black box in as much as we can not specifically request that a student is funded via the DSA - so if you are a student who is already within the DSA program you may be able to have a Visual Reading course funded for you but you will need to enquire with your educational institution or speak with a representative within the DSA.
How long will it take to improve my reading?
It usually takes 5 weeks and practicing for around 10 minutes per day to become an excellent reader.
Some people need less time, others more...
We tend to find that it is the consistency of the students practice with reading on a daily basis using our Saccade overlays, that really dictates how long the process of reading improvement will take...
How much practice will I need to do?
We recommend a minimum of 10 minutes a day reading what you want to read using our Structured Saccade Overlays and/or our Saccade Overlay software.
Clearly, if you are able to devote more time on a daily basis then this accelerates the process, but with just 10 minutes per day over 5 weeks, you will be able to drastically improve your reading and comprehension.
Please note that we do recommend that our students at least start off using our physical Overlays with printed media such as a book or novel, and once they have grasped the technique and are comfortable using it, they can use our digital Overlay on their computer and/or laptop when they have to read on screen.
Will my comprehension improve?
Yes, we prioritise comprehension over speed.
The Visual Reading program teaches you to use metacognitive reading strategies to enhance your comprehension of the material you are reading while you take in multiple words at once.
How good a reader do I need to be to benefit from Visual Reading?
We expect that there is a threshold of skill, related to visual recognition of words, and the basic ability to read text for a student to benefit. However, we haven't yet discovered where this threshold is, and we have found that every student who has successfully completed our course, regardless of their starting point has dramatically improved their reading speed and comprehension.
Can I get my money back if I don't make significant progress?
So far, every student who has applied themselves to our course over 5 weeks has made dramatic reading progress, but if you are not happy with your progress after you have completed our course, we will refund the cost of your coaching.
Our experienced coaches aim to identify and correct any issues with a student's application of the Visual Reading technique early and during weekly progress and coaching sessions, so any issues are corrected as we go along...
By delivering our courses in this manner, any issues or difficulties our students may experience are identified and 'nipped in the bud' so the student can continue in the correct manner and complete the course successfully.
Why don't they teach Visual Reading in schools?
They have started to teach Visual Reading in a very small number of schools with huge increases in comprehension and speed and we are pushing to expand this as much as we can!
Can anyone become an approved Visual Reading coach?
However, we currently target experienced dyslexia specialists, teachers of reading, and teaching assistants involved in the teaching of reading.
If you do not fall into these categories, please contact us for a discussion and we will do our best to help guide you, but in general you will at least need some practical experience in teaching reading skills within a professional environment.
What do I need to do to become a Visual Reading coach?
Ideally, you need to be a qualified professional in the area of teaching reading and have practical experience in this area.
If you purchase our Coaching the Coaches course, you will be taken through the course as if you were any other reader. You will also be provided with written and coached support so that you know how to coach Visual Reading..
Once you have completed the above and both you and we are confident that you know what you are doing, you will then need to apply your Visual Reading coaching knowledge with a 'reader' (student) and then provide feedback to us, if all goes well you will then receive an approved Visual Reading Coach certificate.
Why is the 'Coaching the Coaches' course cheaper than the Visual Reading course?
We are subsidising the Coaching the Coaches course for 2 reasons..
Firstly, we wish to get as many qualified reading professionals using our technique with their students as is possible, so that we can disseminate the Visual Reading technique to as many people as possible...
Secondly, we expect to make a small ongoing profit from the sale of overlays and our overlay software...
In return for the revenue we generate from sales of our overlay and overlays software through our coaches and our royalty payments, we offer ongoing training and help and support for all our approved coaches. This can be extremely useful if coaches experience difficulties along they way as they can draw on our collective experience and we always go above and beyond to assist our approved coaches in any way we can.
Can I choose anyone I like when learning to become a coach?
Yes you can. However, where possible, if we can provide a paying customer, we will refund the cost of the Coaching the Coaches course if all goes well.
What is the minimum age for children to learn to use Visual Reading?
We have worked very successfully with 8 year old dyslexic children.
All these children could read slowly, and some had very poor comprehension but they all made dramatic progress.
However, we do not yet know the minimum age that children need to be to really benefit from Visual Reading (although this is clearly lower than we had assumed).
Can I return the overlays and get my money back?
If the overlays remain unopened in their sealed envelope, you can return them and get a refund
How much progress can I expect to make?
Everyone who has completed our coach led course is now a faster reader, with improved comprehension and rank along side the top 14% of postgraduates. 88% are in the top 1% of postgraduates, and 81% in the top 0.1%.
How long has Visual Reading been going?
Visual Reading was launched in October 2021
Will I have to take notes and follow instructions?
There is no need to take notes. Coaching eliminates the need to follow single or multiple instructions. You learn by doing, not listening.
What happens if I don't have time to practice?
Nothing happens. Everything depends on you reading with the overlays and improving your previewing and reviewing strategies.
Can I read what I want?
Yes, the overlays can be used with any reading of choice. We recommend you read your passionate interest reading. The App with any text documents on screen
Can I just use the App and not the Physical Saccade Overlays?
Yes, but we do not recommend it.
We recommend starting with a book or printed media and getting used to the Visual Reading process first.
Most people find reading on a screen to be more visually stressful, and that it can be more difficult to absorb information.
The digital Saccade software (App) is intended to supplement the Physical Saccade overlays and/or to be used when you find you have no choice but to read from a computer screen.
Nevertheless, the choice is yours and we will monitor the effectiveness of our courses for students who choose to just use the App, but to date, all our students have at least started with the Physical Saccade Overlays and progressed from there.
Who invented Visual Reading?
Dr Ross Cooper invented the Structured Saccade Overlays in 2021. Metacognitive reading strategies have been known about for 100 years. Speed Reading , and the importance of following movement, was developed in the 1950's.
Does Visual Reading cause eye-strain?
The Structured Saccade Overlays are designed to minimise any eye-strain, and we have had no reports of any additional difficulties to the general experience of reading.
Can I use coloured overlays?
Yes, you can since our overlays are transparent. However, w-screen-xle often find that coloured overlays are no longer needed on completion of the Visual Reading course.
Does Visual Reading involve phonics?
No, it doesn't.
My eyesight is very poor, will that effect my outcome?
Visual Reading relies on visual recognition of words. So it depends whether or not you can see them sufficiently. So far, this has not been a problem. But should it prove to be, we will of course refund coaching fees.
Does Visual Reading lead to skim reading?
No, it leads to improved comprehension and recall as well as faster reading speeds
Will I always have to read using my finger?
Not necessarily. However, if you stop using your finger, or a pointer, your reading speed will slowly slow down. The solution to this is using your finger (or pointer) again.
Will I always have to read like this now?
No, that is not our intention.
Visual Reading is expected to add to your reading strategies, or toolkit, not replace them.
How you read depends on your purposes and the nature of the text...
Visual Reading is designed to enable you to absorb information quickly from text and is expected to be used for academic reading. You can also use it for novels if you wish, when reading becomes more like watching a movie than traditional reading.
However, there will be books you want to read slowly, savouring the sound of each word.
Now you can choose your strategies.
I always hear a voice in my head when reading, how can I become a Visual Reader?
Almost everyone hears their voice when reading (sub-vocalising). Our Structured Saccade Overlays will increase your reading speed so that in most cases, it becomes impossible to say all the words.
You don’t have the time. But you will continue to take in the meaning of the words you have seen, but not ‘said’. This means that sub-vocalising can wither away naturally. It is usually better not to try to force it either way. Just allow it to happen and observe the process dispassionately.
Some people find it goes away completely, but most find it simply plays a less important role. If you would like it to go away completely, you can try humming at this stage while you read. For many of us, this eliminates the inner voice and appears to illuminate the text leading to incredible speeds.
Either way, the important thing is that you learn to read much faster with good comprehension. It is better not to over think it, and simply take pleasure in your new reading effectiveness.
I am stuck around 140 wpm, why?
This is usually an indication that you are not just ‘sub-vocalising’, but also mouthing the words as you read. Mouthing the words restricts speed to around 140 wpm. We have found that this habit is quite easy to change.
Just remind yourself not to do it and your reading speed will start to increase again.
I am stuck around 300 wpm, why?
Saying the words in your head (sub-vocalising) restricts reading speeds to around 300 to 350 wpm, although this can be different for each individual. To increase your speed beyond this, you need to allow your inner voice to wither away. You may feel your comprehension suffers at first...
However, when asking yourself what you have read, allow the visual understanding to translate into words. This may take a moment or two (a bit like remembering a dream, but not as difficult). Give yourself time to do this. Visual understanding is usually holistic, whereas verbal articulation is sequential.
Translating a holistic understanding into a sequence of words can be a little tricky at first. Alternatively, if you visualise what you have read after reading it, it keeps it in the visual domain and can be done very quickly.
What is the long-term impact of Visual Reading?
Since Visual Reading only started in late 2021, we do not yet have the evidence about long-term effects. However, anecdotally, we know that your reading career depends on you.
If you continue to use the strategies you have learned, reading speeds with excellent comprehension appear to continue to increase.
If you stop using the strategies (previewing, pointing, reviewing), speeds have been shown to drop. However, we have also seen that it is quick to recover your reading simply by using the strategies again.
A bit like reading a bike, you may be a little wobbly if you haven’t ridden for a while, but you soon pick it up again.
Why do you feedback about reading speed, but not comprehension scores?
Human beings normalise speed.
If you drive off a 30-mph road onto a 70-mph motorway, at first the speeds seem dangerously fast. After 10 minutes or so, it again seems normal. When you then turn off the motorway onto 30 mph roads, it seems everyone is driving SO slowly.
People find it extremely difficult to judge their own reading speed.
In contrast, we usually have a pretty good idea of the level of our comprehension. We are so used to experiencing the usual relationship between speed and comprehension (slowing down when it’s difficult to understand and speeding up when it’s easy) that we often make the mistake of judging our reading speed by our level of comprehension.
This makes feeding back about reading speed crucial. It is also almost impossible to accurately measure comprehension levels. Our comprehension depends on so many factors (such as prior knowledge, interest in the text, font and font size, background colour, energy levels, motivation, etc.) that we cannot control all the confounding variable.
What we can do is gauge how much understanding is generally improving over time and ensure that reading speed improvements are not at the expense of comprehension. In many cases, comprehension can be seen to dramatically improve when at the starting point, comprehension and recall has been poor.
What's the fastest speed recorded using Visual Reading?
The fastest recorded so far is 3000 wpm with 'perfect' recall. However, this is an outlier. Several readers exceed 1000 wpm, but the median speed for neurodivergent readers is 429 wpm.
What's the slowest speed recorded after Visual Reading?
The slowest speed recorded for adults is currently 250 wpm which is in the top 14% of postgraduate readers when reading for meaning
Where have you got your standardised reading speeds from?
355 postgraduate readers were timed reading a single page suitable for a 12 year old to understand, and asked 10 questions. They achieved a mean reading speed of 190 wpm (Standard Deviation: 59), and a mean comprehension score of 53%
Are you suggesting that dyslexia is a visual problem?
No, we are suggesting that lack of control over saccades is a particular problem for neurodivergent readers because we scan when problem solving to look for the big picture, connections and patterns of information.
Scanning involves random saccades. This works very well when problem solving, but is a disaster for reading.
We are suggesting that there is nothing wrong with being dyslexic (or neurodivergent) and that we don't necessarily have a reading problem at all if provided with the appropriate instructions and coaching. After all, it would not be possible to become a World Class reader in 5 weeks if we really had a reading difficulty.
How can I dispose of my physical saccade overlays once they are used and no longer needed?
They are made from plant materials and can be put in your household recycling.
Can I recycle the Saccade overlays?
Yes, they can be placed in household recycling since they are composed of plant materials.
I have had an issue with a payment, what should I do?
All payments to Visual Reading Online (Outsider Software Ltd) are made using Stripe which is a large, reputable and popular online payment processor.
We will only ever receive a notification from Stripe once any payment you make is processed successfully by Stripe, as we do not process or store any payment method information on our systems.
If you have had a problem making a payment, please contact Stripe directly and as you would with regard to issues with any other online purchase.
Should your issue be in regard to a refund on a purchase that you have already made, please contact us directly and we will arrange for your refund to be processed back to your original payment method.
We respectfully ask that you do this so that we can avoid 'charge back fees' and also so that we have an opportunity to either correct any issues that may have resulted in you requesting a refund, or so that we may learn from the issue.
I am unable to log in to my Visual Reading Online website account, what can I do?
When you make a purchase from us, or are signed up via the DSA process, we will automatically send you a link to your registered email address, this email address will be the same email address that you provided during the Stripe payment process or that you provided during the DSA application process.
If you are trying to access our website for the first time, you should use a link they we have emailed to you. By following this link, you will be asked to create a password which you will then use along with your email address to access our website.
If you have not received a link from us in your email inbox, please check your spam folders - it may take up to 15 minutes for you to receive our email, but in most cases our link should arrive in your inbox within 2 to 3 minutes.
If after waiting 15 minutes since making your purchase, or since being registered through the DSA process, and you still have not received your password creation link, please contact us or you can try using the password reset link shown on our website's 'log in' page to have our systems send you a password reset link, which you can use and then access your website account.
If you have forgotten the email address you were registered with, or you are having any other issues accessing your account, please contact us and include as much relevant information as is possible and we will help you to access your website account.
How do I access my Distance Learning Course or download my Overlay software?
All of our products and services are accessed and managed via your website log in.
Please log in to our website and you will see a list of the products and services that are currently allocated to your user account.
You can then access and manage your products and services and also download any software as needed from within your user account.
If you do not see all the products and services you expect to see within your user log in to our web site, please contact us and include all relevant details.
When can I download my Overlay software?
If you are taking part in one of our full courses, you will be able to download our Overlay software upon completion of your first coaching session.
The reason we do not allow for this software to be downloaded before this time is that we want to ensure that you get started correctly and ideally using the physical saccade overlays first.
This is so that you can begin your use and practice with Overlays in the correct manner and reap the benefits of using them.
If you have purchased a distance learning course, then you will be able to download the Saccade software once you have confirmed that you have received your physical Overlay pack through the post, and you completed the first pre-recorded training session which introduces the Overlays and instructs you on how these should be used correctly.
What computer operating systems and devices does your software support?
Our software is designed to work with recent versions of Microsoft Windows, macOS or Ubuntu Linux desktop operating systems.
As the majority of our software users will likely be using a desktop or laptop computer that has a keyboard and mouse/trackpad - our software is designed to be used on a computer with a 'large screen' running a 'desktop' graphical user interface (GUI) and which has a keyboard and mouse/trackpad attached.
If your device has a touchscreen and no physical keyboard and mouse/trackpad, our software may/should still work but we cannot guarantee this, or offer specific support for such devices, as there are just so many possible devices and/or issues that could arise - so we have made the decision to only officially support a basic set of common device types and configurations.
If you can make our software work to your satisfaction on an officially 'unsupported' device, then you are welcome to do so, provided our software is used within the terms of our license agreement.
Can I use my Digital Overlay software on more than one computer?
We license our Digital Overlay software on a 'per user' basis and your license includes the use of our software on a Desktop and Laptop computer. This means that you can install, log in to, and use our Digital Overlay software on both your laptop and desktop computers at the same time if you so wish...
How do I activate my Visual Reading Online software?
All our software products require that you initially enter your Visual Reading Online website log in details and that you are connected to the internet to activate them.
The username for our software is your registered email address, and you should enter your Visual Reading Online website password as the password for the software.
Our software products will periodically validate the user account they are logged in with, over the internet. However we have added a 'grace period' where you may start our software on your device 5 times without an internet connection before our software will not function and a message will be displayed asking you to connect your device to the internet and restart our software.
The validation process works automatically if your device is already connected to the internet and you will only ever see a message in relation to validation if you start our software without an internet connection, and it just happens to be time for our software to do a validation check.
Our software needs to validate the user account it is logged in with approximately once every 3 days or so.
The validation process only sends the username and password our software is logged in with, and in an encrypted format to our systems and no other information is collected by our software or is sent to our systems.
Can I mix and match the Operating Systems I use my Digital Overlay software on?
You may install two copies of our software on any supported operating system and then log in on both systems at the same time if you wish. Our software will periodically check with our back systems to ensure that only two instances of your user account is using our software at any one time.
In the unlikely event that you should need to be able to log into more than two instances of our software at any one time, please contact us
Where can I download my Visual Reading Online software from?
Please log in to our website and select the 'downloads' link within your user profile.
You will see links to download any software which has been allocated to your user profile and all the information and links which are needed for you to take part in coaching sessions and/or access the products and/or services which you have purchased or which you have been allocated to you via the DSA process will be displayed in this area.
You should see three sets of links for any of our individual software downloads, these links are so that you can download Windows, macOS or Ubuntu Linux versions of our software.
You may 'mix and match' the operating systems that you use our software on, and our software is designed to work in the same way on each operating system.
Please contact us if you do not see the download links you have paid for/been assigned and therefore expect to see within your user profile.
Can I use my Digital Overlay software on my Tablet computer?
You are welcome to install and use our Digital Overlay software on any device with a standard desktop 'GUI' that is supported or that you are able to make it work on to your satisfaction.
If your device is in a 'Tablet' configuration and it runs a supported operating system (or you yourself are able to install and use our software on an unsupported operating system) then you are welcome to use our software on your device.
Currently our Overlay software is designed to be used on devices that use a mouse/trackpad and keyboard for the user interface - but if your device has a touchscreen and you are able to use our software to your satisfaction, then you are welcome to do so.
Is Visual Reading Online software open-source?
While we support the 'Open Source' movement and 'Open Source' software, for licensing and other practical reasons, our software products are 'closed' source.
This means that our software is supplied 'as is' and you may not modify or redistribute it in any way.
However, if you have any suggestions on how our software may be improved, please contact us and include all the relevant details.
What exactly will your software do when it is installed on my system?
Our software will only do what it says 'on the tin'.
All our software is designed to be simple to install and use and it is designed to only perform the minimum actions needed on your device's operating system to deliver the advertised and expected functionality.
This helps us keep our support costs to a minimum and it also means that our software is very unlikely to cause any problems on your device.
Does Visual Reading Online software work in the same way on all computer operating systems?
Where possible, our software is designed to work in exactly the same way and provide the exact same functionality on all operating systems that are supported.
Our software is designed to be simple and easy to install and use - and it works in a 'standard' way, so you should always follow your operating systems normal install and uninstall procedures.
I am using 'x' version of Linux/Windows/macOS - can I use your software on this operating system?
Our software products officially support current versions of Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS and Ubuntu Linux operating systems.
Our software products are designed to work on 99% of the computers and laptops that are in common use, if you are running an unsupported operating system and you are able to install our software in a manner that enables you to use it to your satisfaction, then you are welcome to do so, provided our software is used in line with its license agreement.
We cannot offer support for your computer or software issues other than for basic issues with regard to installing and uninstalling our software and for its intended use, as we simply do not have the in house 'IT' skills or resources to do this as we are primarily a teaching and education organisation.
I would like to use your software on my iOS, Android or other device, is this possible?
For practical reasons, we do not currently offer iOS or Android versions of our software...
iOS and Android devices may have a wide range of screen sizes (and functionality) which may or may not lend itself to our software's use-case, so providing software for these platforms could result in a lot of support issues and/or the users of our software having a bad experience and not being able to easily use the intended functionality of our software.
For this reason, we have made the decision not to provide our software on platforms where it is likely that there will be issues providing a good user experience to students and software users.
If you feel it would be good if our software was available for 'XYZ' device, or on 'ABC' platform please contact us and include all the relevant details - we will look into the possibility of making our software available on your suggested device/operating system - and if we can do, we will do, as we want the users of our software to be able to use it where they want to and where they feel it would be useful for them...
Please just be aware that there may be practical or technical reasons why we either can't do this or that it may take some time for us to make available - but please do share any ideas or suggestions with us and we will do our best to make it happen.
How can I completely uninstall or re-install Visual Reading Online software on my computer?
Our software is designed to be easy to install and use, and also to completely uninstall from your computer.
You should follow your operating system's normal install/uninstall procedures to install or remove our software.
We are unable to offer individual support for any computer problems that you may have, as we are a teaching and educational organisation, so we do not have the skills and resources to do this. However our software is designed to work in a very easy to use and standard manner and in line with the process of installing or uninstalling any software that you will have previously installed or uninstalled on your own computer.
Do you offer computer support and/or can your coaches help me with my computer?
We do not offer general computer support and our coaches cannot help you with support issues with your computer and/or devices.
Our coaches may be able to offer very basic guidance on the use of our software during a coaching session, but this will only ever be in an informal manner, as our coaches are teaching and reading professionals, and as such they are not expected, or qualified to assist, or offer to assist you with any IT related issues.
If you feel that our software is not working correctly, or working as it was intended on your device, please contact us and include all the relevant details - we will do our best to resolve any issues with our software which may be causing the issue, but please be aware that we cannot diagnose or resolve any complex IT issues that may exist on your computer, as we just do not have the skills, or resources, to do so.
All our software products are designed to be very easy to install and uninstall, and to use on a day to day basis. Our software is supplied 'as is', and is made available with basic instructions on how the software may be installed, uninstalled and used on supported operating systems for its intended purpose.
We simply do not have the resources to offer support outside of these terms and these terms are included within our software license agreement and our terms of service.
I have an idea that could be very useful for Visual Reading Online
We are always happy to receive comments, feedback and suggestions on our services and how they may be improved, so you are welcome to contact us with your ideas on this, however...
We cannot and we will not make any sort of payment for any 'ideas' or 'suggestions' you may make, and we will not enter into any sort of agreement on the basis of any such communication that we may receive through this website or by any other means.
Please do not send us any 'ideas' or 'suggestions' that you may wish to be 'paid' or 'credited' for. This may sound harsh, but how would you know if we had not already thought of, or be in the process of implementing any idea, suggestion or feature that you may send us?
These things can potentially create all sorts of possible legal issues that we simply do not have the time and resources to deal with.
It is for these reasons that we respectfully ask you not to send us any 'ideas' or 'suggestions' to which you feel you or someone else owns the 'Intellectual Property', or that you or someone else is the 'legal rights holder'.
If however, you are willing to send us any thoughts, comments, or suggestions which you feel may help us improve our website, our software, or our other products and services, and without any expectation of payment or attribution - then you are welcome to do so provided that it is with the mutual understanding that you are doing so on an 'as is' basis and with no expectation that we will read, act upon, validate, attribute or pay for the content of any such communication.
I am a recruitment person and I would like to supply you with...
We do not use recruitment companies and we do not pay for introductions to new potential coaches or members of staff. We are a small teaching and educational organisation, we do not have the need or resources to pay for such things.
I am unhappy with Visual Reading Online and I am going to sue!
Please calm down.
Firstly, have you communicated your issue or complaint to us?
We welcome any feedback, questions or messages about our any of our coaching sessions or our other products and services and this includes your experience with our coaches - and we ask that you contact us in the first instance where you feel there may be any issues at all...
We are a genuine, law abiding organisation and it is our policy to always act professionally and 'put things right' with regard to any issues or complaints we may receive - and to date, we are proud to say that we have received 'zero' complaints from our students, coaches and customers!
And secondly.
In terms of 'Suing' us... We are a small, teaching and educational organisation, and we operate in a lawful and responsible manner and we work hard to ensure that all our customers, students, coaches and/or the users of our services are treated lawfully and as we ourselves would wish to be treated...
We will always try and work with you to resolve any issues that you may have with any of our products and/or services - but as per our terms and conditions, our liability will only ever extend to a full refund of the purchase price of your product/service or as is required under the laws of England and Wales.
Now, if you calmly contact us with your concern, complaint, or issue, we will work with you in a professional and friendly manner to get things resolved to your satisfaction, or in a worst case scenario, we will offer you a full refund.
I am very happy with Visual Reading Online what can I do?
Firstly, we are very pleased to hear this, this is the kind of response or feedback that we aim to receive from all our students, coaches and customers!
If you haven't already done so, please contact us with your thoughts and feedback, or submit them through your user profile within this website - and be sure to let us know if we can include your comments in our 'Reviews' page!
And secondly, please spread the word and let others know about your experience with, and your 'outcome' with using our service...
You are always welcome to post to the social media platforms you use, or let others know about our services in anyway that you can...
We aim to reach and help as many people as is possible. If you can help us do that, then this will make us very happy indeed and we thank you in advance for any help in promoting Visual Reading Online!
I would like to make a donation to Visual Reading Online how can I do this?
Thank you very much, but...
We do not have a formal process to enable members of the public or the users of our services to make financial donations to our organisation...
We will never ask for donations or for any bank account or payment details within our website or on any of our social media outlets...
You can choose to 'gift' a Visual Reading Online course to someone who cannot afford to pay, or ask us to coach your gifted course to a good cause on your behalf...
If you really feel you would like to make a donation to us other than gifting courses, please contact us and we will work with you so that this can be done in a legal and tax efficent manner...
I have received an email, direct message, or seen a social media post which seems suspicious, what can I do?
Sadly, there are a minority of people who will try and exploit any opportunity they can see to make money online...
If you would like to check anything you have seen online about 'Visual Reading Online' which you feel is suspicious, please contact us.
But as a general rule...
We will never ask you for money or to make donations to us online.
We do not run competitions or do 'give always' online.
We will never ask you for your bank account, payment card, or for any personal information online.
We will never send you emails asking you for money or your payment or personal information - if we need to contact you via email about your account, our services, or any promotion we may be running - then this will always include a link to the same information on this (our official) website, so you can always check that any details contained within our emails is genuine.
Any payment you may need to make to Visual Reading Online should always be done so via our website and using an official link. Any such link will always then take you to a Stripe payment page where you will be asked to enter your payment information and other details into a form which is provided by and processed by Stripe. Your payment details will never be stored on, or processed on any of Visual Reading Online's computer systems.
If you are ever in any doubt about the validity or security of anything you see online, your website account, or your payment information in relation Visual Reading Online, please contact us and we will always be happy to help you.
I think it would be helpful if you included information about 'XYZ...' within this FAQ!
Please contact us with your suggestion and we may well update our FAQs!
We are always looking for ways we can improve this website, our coaching process and our other products and services, so please feel free to send us any comments, feedback or suggestions on how we can do this... We really do listen to and value any feedback we receive!
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