Disability Student Allowance
Visual Reading is approved for the DSA in the U.K. as an assistive technology for neurodivergent students. This means that an Assessor of Need can recommend our course for you if you meet the criteria and your Visual Reading course will be funded via the DSA.
The DSA Application Process
All neurodivergent students in HE in the UK are entitled to apply for the Disabled Students Allowance. The process is as follows:
- If you think, for example, that you may be dyslexic, you need to get a formal assessment done by a qualified psychologist, or a qualified teacher who has a 'Practicing Certificate'. Once you have a recognised assessment of neurodivergence, you can arrange a meeting with an Assessor of Need. Their responsibility is to ensure that you get what you need to be successful at university. This will include assistive technology and supportive ‘products' such as Visual Reading. This is all free.
- Even though Visual Reading is an approved product, many Assessors of Need remain unaware of it. So rather than wait for them to suggest it to you, you can ask them to recommend it for you and explain why.
- If you have already had your meeting with an Assessor of Need, and Visual Reading was not recommended at that time, you are entitled to go back to your Assessor of Need and ask them to recommend it. They usually do.
Once your funding body has accepted their recommendation, suppliers become involved. The supplier will send a purchase order to us, and we immediately contact the student.
- We ask you to confirm your current postal address by registering online.
- Once confirmed, we send you a set of our Structured Saccade Overlays.
- You tell us when they have arrived.
- We agree a time for the first Zoom coaching session and take it from there.
DSA Eligibility
Student Finance England (SFE), Student Finance Northern Ireland (SFNI), Student Finance Wales (SFW) or the National Health Business Services Authority (NHBSA) can fund Visual Reading for you if you meet specific criteria:
- You are a UK citizen and a full time, or half time, student in HE in the UK
- You have a recognised assessment of a ‘disability’ (including any form of neurodivergence)
- You have difficulties with the reading required on your course. This may take the form of:
- Being a slow reader
- Having difficulty tracking text (missing out words or lines, print appearing to move)
- Having difficulty decoding words
- Muddling up words you see
- Poor comprehension
- Poor recall
However, it is your Assessor of Need who makes the decision to recommend Visual Reading, and SFE, SFW, SFNI or NHBSA who decide whether or not to accept their recommendation
Disabled Student Allowance Questions And Answers
Is the online Visual Reading course available through the DSA?
We are pleased to confirm that Student Finance England, on behalf of the Department for Education, have included Visual Reading on their list of new products available through the DSA as it meets the needs of individual disabled students. The list that Student Finance maintains on behalf of the DSA of approved products is extensive, and as of the 9th of January 2024, we appear at position 118 on their list under a 'specialist' catogory and as an approved products provider.

What specific needs is Visual Reading designed to help?
- Slow reading speed
- Difficulty decoding single words
- Difficulty with tracking text
- Muddling up words you see
- Poor comprehension
- Poor recall of what has been read
Where these difficulties relate to neurodivergence (particularly when linked to dyslexia, AD(H)D or dyspraxia), the online Visual Reading course is approved and available through registered suppliers of DSA products.
Is Visual Reading dyslexia friendly?
Visual Reading was developed by a dyslexic academic for dyslexic readers. What makes it dyslexic friendly is:
- You learn by doing, not listening
- The course is elliptical- which means that we cover the same ground in greater depth as we go through the coaching
- You are not required to remember single instructions
- You can develop advanced reading skills while reading your own passionate interest texts
How much Time Does it Take?
This will depend on how much reading you do. We recommend a minimum of 10 minute reading a day using the overlays. The usual timescale is 6 coaching sessions over 5 weeks. The first coaching session takes around 40 minutes. After that the weekly coaching sessions take about 10 minutes each.
Some readers need less coaching sessions, some need more. We provide what you need to enable you to become an excellent reader (88% of DSA readers who have completed Visual Reading are in the top 1% of postgraduate readers for speed, with improved comprehension).